
Boost Your University Admission Chances with Priority Points

Cách Tính Điểm Ưu Tiên Đại Học

“Every university is desirable, every major is appealing” – a saying that deeply resonates with students entering university entrance exams. So, how to increase your chances of getting into your dream school? “Man proposes, God disposes,” besides studying diligently, understanding “how university admission priority points are calculated” is a crucial factor in securing your success. By grasping these regulations, you’ll gain an advantage on your path to conquering the university gates. How to Solve General Logic Exercises

What are Priority Points? Why are They Important?

Priority points are added to a candidate’s total exam score, based on criteria such as region, priority status, and academic achievements. It’s like a “lifesaver” helping you successfully “pass the entrance exam,” especially when your exam score is close to the cutoff score. For example, if two students apply to the medical field with the same exam scores, but one has priority points, that student will be considered for admission first. Indeed, “know yourself and know your enemy, and you will not fear the outcome of a hundred battles!”

Infographic explaining how university admission priority points are calculatedInfographic explaining how university admission priority points are calculated

Types of Priority Points and How to Calculate Them

Priority points are divided into several types, each with different calculation methods. For example, Area 1 gets an additional 0.25 points, Area 2 gets 0.5 points, while Area 2-NT gets 0.75 points. Priority Group 01 receives 2 points, Priority Group 02 receives 1.5 points… Understanding these regulations helps you accurately estimate the cutoff scores. Professor Nguyen Thi Lan Huong, in the book “University Admission Handbook,” emphasized the importance of thoroughly understanding the regulations regarding priority points.

Area-Based Priority Points

Area-based priority points are determined based on the candidate’s permanent residency. “East or West, home is best,” regardless of your area, understanding the regulations on area-based priority points will help you prepare best for the exam.

Status-Based Priority Points

Status-based priority points are applied to candidates belonging to policy beneficiary groups such as children of war invalids, martyrs, ethnic minorities, etc. This is the state’s recognition and support for their contributions to the country.

High School Transcript

Many universities now consider high school transcripts for admission. “Talent in learning, destiny in exams,” achieving good academic results throughout 3 years of high school not only helps you get priority points but also provides a solid foundation for university studies later on. How to Learn Piano on Your Phone

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am from an ethnic minority group, how many priority points do I get?
  • How does my high school transcript affect priority points?
  • How do I know which priority area I belong to?

Advice for Exam Candidates

“Patience and persistence can turn an iron bar into a needle,” diligent studying is still the decisive factor in your success. However, understanding how to learn vocabulary for the IELTS exam and how priority points are calculated will give you an extra advantage in the university race. According to Mr. Le Van Thanh, a renowned university entrance exam preparation expert in Hanoi, “Priority points are sometimes the deciding factor that helps students get into university.”


“A good beginning makes a good ending,” understanding how university admission priority points are calculated is an important first step on your journey to conquering your university dream. Carefully study the regulations, prepare yourself in the best way, and don’t forget how to comment on students’ academic performance for extra motivation! Leave a comment below if you have any questions. Feel free to share this article with your friends. How to Invite Reviewers on the School Connection Page Contact us now via phone number: 0372888889, or visit the address: 335 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi. We have a 24/7 customer care team.

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