
Effective Strategies for Teaching VNEN Model Students

“Learning must go hand in hand with practice,” a proverb from our ancestors that always holds true in every situation. So, how do we “practice” correctly, especially with the VNEN education model? This article on HOC LAM will help teachers and parents understand the most effective ways to train students in the VNEN model. Check out cách dạy học vnen (VNEN teaching methods) for more useful knowledge!

VNEN Model: An Overview

VNEN, short for “Việt Nam Escuela Nueva,” is a student-centered education model. Students are encouraged to actively explore and discover knowledge through group activities and practical experiences. Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan, a leading education expert, once said, “VNEN not only teaches literacy but also educates individuals.”

Effective Training Methods for VNEN Model Students

Building a Positive Learning Environment

The classroom space needs to be designed flexibly, creating conditions for students to work in groups. Trang trí phòng học theo mô hình VNEN (Decorating classrooms according to the VNEN model) plays a very important role in inspiring students’ learning. Imagine if the classroom is decorated vividly, close to nature, students will definitely feel more comfortable and excited to come to school.

Encouraging Self-Learning and Exploration

According to folk wisdom, “constant effort grinds an iron rod into a needle.” In the VNEN model, teachers act as facilitators, encouraging students to explore and discover knowledge on their own. This helps them develop self-learning skills, critical thinking, and creativity.

Organizing Experiential Learning Activities

“Seeing once is better than hearing a hundred times,” students will absorb knowledge more easily if they participate in practical experiential activities. For example, instead of just learning theory about planting trees, why not let them practice planting trees in the school garden? You can also refer to cách thức tổ chức lớp học vnen (how to organize VNEN classes) for more ideas.

Comprehensive Student Assessment

Assessment should not only focus on academic results but also consider the learning process and the progress of each student. Mr. Pham Van Hung, author of “Modern Education,” emphasizes: “Comprehensive assessment truly reflects students’ abilities.”

Further Suggestions

You can also learn more about hướng dẫn cách gói quà cho học sinh (guide on how to wrap gifts for students) or cách chuyển khỏi lớp học giáo dục thường xuyên (how to transfer out of continuing education classes) on our website.


Hopefully, this article has provided you with useful information on how to train students in the VNEN model. Please leave a comment and share this article if you find it helpful! If you need further consultation, please contact Phone Number: 0372888889, or visit the address: 335 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi. We have a 24/7 customer care team.

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