
Expert Diet Tips for Clear Skin: Eat Your Way to Acne Treatment

Thực phẩm giàu vitamin A, C, E giúp trị mụn

“What to eat to get rid of acne?” – a timeless question for anyone struggling with this pesky “enemy.” You’ve probably tried all kinds of creams and medications, but the acne is still stubbornly sticking around? You might be overlooking a crucial factor: your diet.

The Power of a Healthy Diet: Your Key to Acne Treatment

“Healthy teeth and hair are a sign of good health,” and so is your skin! A healthy diet is the “golden key” to achieving healthy, smooth skin and confidently conquering acne. According to dermatologist Dr. Nguyen Van A, author of the book “Secrets to Healthy Skin”:

“80% of acne causes are due to an inappropriate diet.”

Dr. A also shared: “Diet directly impacts hormones, the digestive system, and skin health. When the body absorbs enough nutrients, the detoxification process runs smoothly, and the skin will be healthy, limiting the appearance of acne.”

“Miracle” Foods to Help Treat Acne

1. Foods Rich in Vitamins A, C, E

Vitamin A: Helps strengthen skin’s resistance, protect skin from UV damage, and promote collagen production, making skin firm and smooth.

Vitamin C: A powerful antioxidant, supports collagen production, helps skin stay healthy and bright, and effectively reduces inflammation.

Vitamin E: Helps repair damaged skin, protect skin from free radicals, prevent aging, fade dark spots, and tighten pores.

Some foods rich in vitamins A, C, and E:

  • Vegetables: Carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, water spinach,…
  • Fruits: Oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, guava, strawberries, kiwi, mangoes,…
  • Nuts: Almonds, cashews, chia seeds, sunflower seeds,…

2. Anti-inflammatory and Antibacterial Foods

Some effective anti-inflammatory and antibacterial foods:

  • Spices: Turmeric, ginger, garlic,…
  • Drinks: Green tea, ginger tea, aloe vera juice,…

3. Foods Providing Zinc

Zinc: Helps regulate sebum production, reduce inflammation, fight bacteria, and support the wound healing process.

Zinc: Helps boost immunity, support collagen production, making skin healthy and firm, and recover quickly.

Some foods rich in zinc:

  • Meat: Beef, chicken, pork,…
  • Seafood: Shrimp, crab, fish,…
  • Seeds: Pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds,…
  • Fruits: Bananas, avocados,…

Foods to Limit or Avoid When Treating Acne

1. Oily Foods

Oily foods: Clog pores, increase sebum secretion, and are a major cause of acne.

Some oily foods you should limit:

  • Fried foods: French fries, fried chicken, donuts,…
  • Fatty meat, chicken skin, egg yolks,…
  • Cow’s milk, dairy products,…

2. Spicy and Sugary Foods

Spicy foods: Irritate the skin, increase sebum secretion, and worsen acne inflammation.

Sugary foods: Cause a spike in blood insulin levels, promote sebum production, clog pores, and cause more acne breakouts.

Some spicy and sugary foods you should limit:

  • Chili, pepper, ginger, lemongrass,…
  • Candy, soft drinks, sugary drinks,…
  • Honey, white sugar, brown sugar,…

3. Foods High in Carbohydrates

Foods high in carbohydrates: Increase blood sugar levels, stimulate sebum production, and worsen acne.

Some foods high in carbohydrates you should limit:

  • White rice, white bread, noodles,…
  • Cakes, ice cream, chocolate,…

Important Notes When Changing Your Diet

  • Make changes gradually, avoid sudden changes that can shock the body and make it difficult to adapt.
  • Drink plenty of water, about 2 liters per day, to help purify the body and eliminate toxins.
  • Combine a healthy diet with proper skincare and use appropriate acne treatment products.
  • Consult a dermatologist for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment methods.


A healthy diet is an important part of the acne treatment process. Say “no” to foods that are harmful to your skin, and instead, embrace “miracle” foods that effectively help treat acne. Remember: “Beauty comes from within,” take care of your health through your diet to achieve healthy, beautiful, and confident skin!

Do you have any questions about a diet for acne treatment? Share them with us in the comments below! Or you can explore more helpful articles on the “HỌC LÀM” website:

Remember, “Learn to do” to create a better life!

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