
Mastering Study Time Management

“Mastering state affairs, managing household matters” – this saying applies to studying as well. How to effectively allocate study time while balancing life? This is a perennial question for many, from students to working professionals seeking to improve their knowledge. This article on HỌC LÀM will help you find your own answer. Right after reading this introduction, you can also refer to how to overcome study pressure for a more comprehensive view.

Understand Yourself and Your Study Goals

Before you start planning, you need to understand yourself: Are you a night owl or an early bird? When are you most focused during the day? Which subjects do you find more challenging? Identifying your strengths and weaknesses will help you organize your study time more scientifically and effectively. At the same time, clearly define your study goals. Do you want to achieve high scores in the upcoming exam? Do you want to learn a new skill? Or do you want to improve your professional knowledge? Clear goals will be your compass to guide you in the right direction.

Effective Study Time Management Methods

There are many effective study time management methods. One of them is the Pomodoro Technique, which divides study time into short intervals (25 minutes) interspersed with short breaks (5 minutes). After every 4 “pomodoros”, you take a longer break (15-20 minutes). This method helps maintain focus and avoid fatigue. Another method is the Feynman Technique, which focuses on learning for deep understanding rather than rote memorization. Try to imagine yourself teaching a child; this forces you to simplify knowledge and understand the essence of the problem. Dr. Nguyen Thi Lan Huong, a leading education expert, in her book “Secrets to Effective Learning,” also emphasizes the importance of setting goals and making clear study plans.

A story I once heard was about a student who was always “drowning” in his studies. He tried to cram knowledge into his head, but the results were still not satisfactory. After being advised, he started applying the Pomodoro Technique, and the results were surprising. He not only studied more effectively but also had time for other activities. This shows how important it is to allocate study time reasonably. Similar to how to apply sunscreen when going to school, protecting your mental and physical health also needs attention.

Leveraging Technology for Support

In the era of Industry 4.0, there are many applications that support study time management, such as Trello, Google Calendar, Forest, etc. These applications help you schedule study sessions, set reminders, and track study progress easily and conveniently.

Balancing Study and Leisure

“Study when it’s time to study, play when it’s time to play” – our ancestors taught us so. Studying needs to be combined with rest and relaxation to avoid stress and burnout. Spend time on activities you love, such as listening to music, reading books, playing sports, meeting friends, etc. This not only helps you relax but also helps you recharge for the next study sessions. Similar to learning how to take a pulse, learning needs to be done skillfully and effectively.

According to folk beliefs, studying also needs a balance of yin and yang. Yin is stillness, the time for studying, yang is movement, the time for rest and play. When yin and yang are in harmony, all things flourish, and so does studying.

Advice for You

Associate Professor Dr. Tran Van Nam, in his book “Journey to Conquer Knowledge,” shared: “Success does not come from luck but from perseverance and effort.” Reasonable study time allocation is one of the important factors to help you achieve success in your studies. Persistently apply and find the method that suits you best. You can also refer to how to make an IELTS study schedule to get more ideas for your study planning.


Reasonable study time management is the key to help you open the door to success in learning. Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all formula for everyone. The important thing is that you find the method that suits you best, persistently apply it, and continuously adjust it. If you need more support on managing finances during your studies, see how to calculate kindergarten tuition in Excel. Leave a comment below to share your experiences and ask us questions. HỌC LÀM is always with you on your journey to conquer knowledge. Contact us at 0372888889 or visit us directly at 335 Nguyen Trai, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi. We have a 24/7 customer care team.

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