“To love means a part of you dies inside.” The saying by poet Xuân Diệu encapsulates a sky of longing, a desire to love and …
Kpop Star Makeup: Secrets & Tips
“Beauty is eternal, and the Kpop style is always a breath of fresh air, captivating.” – This saying perhaps partly explains the allure of Kpop …
Easy Guide to Checking Your University Class Schedule
“Study hard, fate decides,” as our ancestors taught. But “fate” here doesn’t mean resigning ourselves to destiny; it means proactively taking control. Checking and understanding …
Master Probability: Effective Study Guide
“Haste makes waste,” as our forefathers taught. Learning probability is similar; it cannot be rushed but requires a scientific and persistent study method. This article …
Letting Go Quotes: Find Your Inner Peace
“Letting go” sounds so light and airy, yet few people can fully achieve it in life. Learning to let go is like a bird soaring …

Ace Multiple Choice Tests: Quick Study Guide
“Necessity is the mother of invention” – this proverb holds true in every situation, especially when we face challenging multiple-choice tests. Instead of worrying, let’s …
Seed Scholarship Guide: How to Win It
“When you eat the fruit, remember the person who planted the tree,” this saying always holds true, especially when it comes to studying abroad. Scholarships, …
Calculate Tuition Due Dates in Excel: Easy & Accurate
“You get what you pay for,” and when it comes to education, paying tuition is a given. Everyone wants to get their money’s worth and …
Effective Learning Tips for Learnsoci.al HCMUTE
“Learn while playing, play while learning” – this old saying holds profound meaning. So, how can you effectively “learn while playing” on the Learnsoci.al platform …
Master Biology & History: Fast Memorization Tips
“Learning from a teacher is good, learning from friends is better” – a familiar proverb that highlights the importance of learning. Among all subjects, Biology …